Definitions More Info. | Definition ID | 987 | Title | SQL_WORK | Category | NOTES | Definition | Kariyer Aktif Uyeler | Definition Description | SELECT A.UserRefNo, R.TCKimlik, A.[Name], A.Surname, A.Userid, R.Sex, A.Email, RD.EMail2, RD.PhoneGSM, RD.PhoneGSM2, RD.PhoneHome, RD.PhoneWork, R.CCityD, R.CDistrictD, R.CPartD, A.LGDate, A.Lastip FROM dbo.ALoginDB A WITH(NOLOCK) INNER JOIN dbo.ResumeMaster R WITH(NOLOCK) ON A.UserRefNo = R.LoginId INNER JOIN dbo.ResumeDetail RD WITH(NOLOCK) ON RD.RefNumber1 = R.RefNumber WHERE A.HesapSilindi = 0 AND A.NedenSildi IS NULL AND R.CvEnable = 1
| RecordBy | cunay | Record Date | 15-11-2019 10:13:44 | Düzenle | | Kopyala | | Sil | | |