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Definition ID925
Definitiontable difference-diff tablo farklari
Definition Description

Here is an example command that compares two tables Table1 and Table2 in the same database.

"C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\90\COM\tablediff.exe" -sourceserver server1 -sourcedatabase test -sourcetable table1 -destinationserver server1 -destinationdatabase test -destinationtable table2

When the command is run this is the output that you get:

Microsoft (R) SQL Server Replication Diff Tool
Copyright (C) 1988-2005 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

User-specified agent parameter values:
-sourceserver server1
-sourcedatabase test
-sourcetable table1
-destinationserver server2
-destinationdatabase test
-destinationtable table2

Table [test].[dbo].[table1] on server1 and Table [test].[dbo].[table2] on server1 have 3 differences.
Err PersonID
Mismatch 1
Dest. Only 2
Src. Only 3
The requested operation took 0.4375 seconds.

From this basic command we can see there are differences, but it is not very helpful as to what the problem is, so to make this more useful we can use the "-et" argument to see the differences in a table. The "et" parameter will create a table, in our case called "Difference", so we can see the differences in a table.

"C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\90\COM\tablediff.exe" -sourceserver server1 -sourcedatabase test -sourcetable table1 -destinationserver server1 -destinationdatabase test -destinationtable table2 -et Difference

When we query the table "Difference" that was created we see the following results. As you can see this is not any more helpful then the first run.

PersonId MSdifftool_ErrorCode MSdifftool_ErrorDescription

1 0 Mismatch
2 1 Dest. Only
3 2 Src. Only

Another option is to use the "-f" argument that will create a T-SQL script to synchronize the two tables.

"C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\90\COM\tablediff.exe" -sourceserver server1 -sourcedatabase test -sourcetable table1 -destinationserver server1 -destinationdatabase test -destinationtable table2 -et Difference -f c:\table1_differences.sql

This is the output we get from the file that is created "c:\table1_differences.sql"

-- Host: server1
-- Database: [test]
-- Table: [dbo].[table2]
UPDATE [dbo].[table2] SET [LastName]=NULL WHERE [PersonID] = 1
DELETE FROM [dbo].[table2] WHERE [PersonID] = 2
INSERT INTO [dbo].[table2] ([FirstName],[LastName],[PersonID]) VALUES ('Bob','Jones',3)

From here we can see the exact differences as well as having a script that we can run against Table2 to make the contents identical to Table1.
Record Date22-03-2019 22:36:50