Lock dependency information -- For PostgreSQL Version < 9.2 SELECT waiting.locktype AS waiting_locktype, waiting.relation::regclass AS waiting_table, waiting_stm.current_query AS waiting_query, waiting.mode AS waiting_mode, waiting.pid AS waiting_pid, other.locktype AS other_locktype, other.relation::regclass AS other_table, other_stm.current_query AS other_query, other.mode AS other_mode, other.pid AS other_pid, other.GRANTED AS other_granted FROM pg_catalog.pg_locks AS waiting JOIN pg_catalog.pg_stat_activity AS waiting_stm ON ( waiting_stm.procpid = waiting.pid ) JOIN pg_catalog.pg_locks AS other ON ( ( waiting."database" = other."database" AND waiting.relation = other.relation ) OR waiting.transactionid = other.transactionid ) JOIN pg_catalog.pg_stat_activity AS other_stm ON ( other_stm.procpid = other.pid ) WHERE NOT waiting.GRANTED AND waiting.pid <> other.pid
-- For PostgreSQL Version >= 9.2 SELECT waiting.locktype AS waiting_locktype, waiting.relation::regclass AS waiting_table, waiting_stm.query AS waiting_query, waiting.mode AS waiting_mode, waiting.pid AS waiting_pid, other.locktype AS other_locktype, other.relation::regclass AS other_table, other_stm.query AS other_query, other.mode AS other_mode, other.pid AS other_pid, other.GRANTED AS other_granted FROM pg_catalog.pg_locks AS waiting JOIN pg_catalog.pg_stat_activity AS waiting_stm ON ( waiting_stm.pid = waiting.pid ) JOIN pg_catalog.pg_locks AS other ON ( ( waiting."database" = other."database" AND waiting.relation = other.relation ) OR waiting.transactionid = other.transactionid ) JOIN pg_catalog.pg_stat_activity AS other_stm ON ( other_stm.pid = other.pid ) WHERE NOT waiting.GRANTED AND waiting.pid <> other.pid