insert into DPAudit.dbo.TempTabloList (sil, create_date, modify_date) select concat( 'drop table ', 'ElasticTransaction.', case when schema_id = 5 then 'elastic2' when schema_id = 1 then 'dbo' end, '.', name) as sil ,create_date, modify_date from ElasticTransaction.sys.tables where /* Barış kapanmasını talep etti. Indexler uçuyormuş 20190527 13:34 */ (schema_id = 5 and name LIKE '%Temporary%' and modify_date < getdate()-1) or ( schema_id = 1 and name LIKE 'Temp_Mesaj%' and modify_date < getdate()-1) or ( schema_id = 1 and name LIKE 'FV1tab%' and modify_date < getdate()-1) or ( schema_id = 1 and name LIKE 'FVtab%' and modify_date < getdate()-1) or ( schema_id = 1 and name LIKE 'AVtab%' and modify_date < getdate()-1) or ( schema_id = 1 and name LIKE 'tmpCVT%' and modify_date < getdate()-1) END
-- Bölüm 2 -- Tabloların kullanım ve erişim bilgileri
declare @CountDataBase as int set @CountDataBase = 0 set @CountDataBase = (SELECT count(sil) FROM DPAudit.dbo.TempTabloList)
declare @StartCounter as int set @StartCounter = 1
while(@StartCounter <= @CountDataBase) begin
declare @Query1 nvarchar(Max)
SELECT @Query1 = sil FROM DPAudit.dbo.TempTabloList where RowID= @StartCounter