-- Update out-dated statistics -- Uses index and statistic update timestamps to select -- probable out-dated statistics and update them. -- In common a DBA schedules a maintenance plan to update all statistics within -- a database. Also it's possible to execute the system stored procedure sp_updatestats. -- Both could cause full table scans on all table and therefore a may high IO workload. -- -- This Transact-SQL statement estimate by index and statistic update timestamps the -- probable out-dated statistics and update them with resample option. -- Requires at least db_owner view permissions. -- Works with Microsoft SQL Server 2005 and higher versions. SET NOCOUNT ON; DECLARE @minDateDiff int, @sql nvarchar(1000), @schema nvarchar(130), @table nvarchar(130), @stat nvarchar(130), @lastupd datetime; -- Min difference between statistics and index(es) update timestamp -- in days. SET @minDateDiff = 7; DECLARE StatsCursor CURSOR LOCAL FOR SELECT SCH.name AS SchemaName ,OBJ.name AS ObjectName ,STA.name AS StatName ,STATS_DATE(STA.object_id, STA.stats_id) AS StatUpdateStamp FROM sys.stats AS STA INNER JOIN sys.objects AS OBJ ON STA.object_id = OBJ.object_id INNER JOIN sys.schemas AS SCH ON OBJ.schema_id = SCH.schema_id LEFT JOIN (SELECT IUS.object_id ,MIN(ISNULL(IUS.last_user_update, IUS.last_system_update)) AS LastUpdate FROM sys.dm_db_index_usage_stats AS IUS WHERE database_id = DB_ID() AND NOT ISNULL(IUS.last_user_update, IUS.last_system_update) IS NULL GROUP BY IUS.object_id ) AS IUS ON IUS.object_id = STA.object_id WHERE OBJ.type IN ('U', 'V') -- only user tables and views AND DATEDIFF(d, ISNULL(STATS_DATE(STA.object_id, STA.stats_id), {d N'1900-01-01'}) , IUS.LastUpdate) > @minDateDiff ORDER BY STATS_DATE(STA.object_id, stats_id) ASC; -- Open the cursor OPEN StatsCursor; FETCH NEXT FROM StatsCursor INTO @schema, @table, @stat, @lastupd WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN -- Infoprint. PRINT @schema + N'.' + @table + CHAR(9) + @stat + CHAR(9) + '-> ' + CONVERT(nvarchar(20), ISNULL(@lastupd, ''), 120); SET @sql = N'UPDATE STATISTICS ' + QUOTENAME(@schema) + N'.' + QUOTENAME(@table) + N' ' + QUOTENAME(@stat) + N' ' + 'WITH RESAMPLE;'; -- Or WITH FULLSCAN EXEC sp_executesql @sql; FETCH NEXT FROM StatsCursor INTO @schema, @table, @stat, @lastupd; END; CLOSE StatsCursor; DEALLOCATE StatsCursor;