/* This Transact-SQL gives a quick overview of the counts of locks per database, lock type and status. It reflects the current activities on the databases. Works with SQL Server 2005 and higher versions in all editions. Requires VIEW SERVER STATE permission on the server. Links: sys.dm_tran_locks: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms190345.aspx */ -- Overview of Locks per Database and Type
SELECT DB.name AS DatabaseName , TL.request_mode AS ReqMode , TL.request_type AS ReqType , TL.request_status AS ReqStatus , TL.request_owner_type AS ReqOwner , COUNT(*) AS LocksCount FROM sys.databases AS DB INNER JOIN sys.dm_tran_locks AS TL ON DB.database_id = TL.resource_database_id GROUP BY DB.name , TL.request_mode , TL.request_type , TL.request_status , TL.request_owner_type;