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Definition ID152
Definition Description/* Your SQL Server currently have a high workload and you want to know who causes this workload?
This Transact-SQL script creates a snapshot of current processes list,
waits a few seconds and then joins the snapshot and the current process to get the Cpu and Io value delta of each process to identify those is creating high workload.
Remark: If you are using an application which closes and opens connection over connection pooling this script may return incorrect values if the connection get's the same Spid again.
Works with SQL Server 2005 and higher versions in all editions. Requires VIEW SERVER STATE permissions. */
-- Current IO and CPU Workload
SET NOCOUNT ON; -- Clean up temp table, if still exists.
IF NOT OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#processes') IS NULL
DROP TABLE #processes;
-- Create snapshot of current processes in a temp table
INTO #processes
FROM sys.sysprocesses AS PRC
WHERE PRC.spid <> @@SPID; -- Exclude own process
-- Wait a few seconds before comparing snapshot
-- with current processes
WAITFOR DELAY '00:00:02';
-- 2 seconds
-- Get total difference to calculate percentage values.
DECLARE @cpuDiff int
,@ioDiff int
SELECT @cpuDiff = SUM(ACT.cpu - SNP.cpu) ,@ioDiff = SUM(ACT.physical_io - SNP.physical_io)
FROM sys.sysprocesses AS ACT
INNER JOIN #processes AS SNP ON ACT.spid = SNP.spid
AND ACT.[sid] = SNP.[sid]
WHERE ACT.spid <> @@SPID -- Exclude own process
AND SNP.ecid <= 1

-- Join snapshot and current process to get delta values.
SELECT ACT.cpu - SNP.cpu AS CpuDiff
,ACT.physical_io - SNP.physical_io AS IoDiff
,CASE WHEN @cpuDiff = 0.0 THEN 0.0 ELSE CONVERT(decimal(10, 2), 100.0 * (ACT.cpu - SNP.cpu) / @cpuDiff)
END AS [Cpu %]
,CASE WHEN @ioDiff = 0 THEN 0.0 ELSE CONVERT(decimal(10, 2), 100.0 * (ACT.physical_io - SNP.physical_io) / @ioDiff)
,ACT.spid AS Spid
,ACT.waitresource AS WaitResource
, AS DataBaseName
,ACT.hostname AS HostName
,ACT.[program_name] AS ProgramName
,ACT.loginame AS LoginName
,ACT.cmd AS Command
,EST.[text] AS SQLStatement
FROM sys.sysprocesses AS ACT
INNER JOIN #processes AS SNP ON ACT.spid = SNP.spid
AND ACT.[sid] = SNP.[sid] AND ACT.login_time = SNP.login_time
LEFT JOIN sys.databases AS DB ON ACT.dbid = DB.database_id
CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text(ACT.sql_handle) AS EST
WHERE ACT.spid <> @@SPID -- Exclude own process
AND SNP.ecid <= 1 AND ((ACT.cpu - SNP.cpu) > 0
OR (ACT.physical_io - SNP.physical_io) > 0 )
ORDER BY ACT.cpu - SNP.cpu + ACT.physical_io - SNP.physical_io DESC;
GO -- Clean up temp table DROP TABLE #processes; GO
Record Date21-02-2012 12:24:13