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Definition ID141
Definition Description-- Database size growth as a pivot table -- Transact-SQL script to analyse the database size growth using backup history. /* This Transact-SQL script uses the backup history to analyse the growth of the databases size over last twelve months and expose the average size of each month per database in a pivot table. The values are useful for future resource planning of the storage and backup system. Works with MS SQL Server 2005 and higher versions in all editions. Requires access and select permissions to the msdb system database. */ -- Transact-SQL script to analyse the database size growth using backup history. DECLARE @startDate datetime; SET @startDate = GetDate(); SELECT PVT.DatabaseName , PVT.[0], PVT.[-1], PVT.[-2], PVT.[-3], PVT.[-4], PVT.[-5], PVT.[-6] , PVT.[-7], PVT.[-8], PVT.[-9], PVT.[-10], PVT.[-11], PVT.[-12] FROM (SELECT BS.database_name AS DatabaseName ,DATEDIFF(mm, @startDate, BS.backup_start_date) AS MonthsAgo ,CONVERT(numeric(10, 1), AVG(BF.file_size / 1048576.0)) AS AvgSizeMB FROM msdb.dbo.backupset as BS INNER JOIN msdb.dbo.backupfile AS BF ON BS.backup_set_id = BF.backup_set_id WHERE NOT BS.database_name IN ('master', 'msdb', 'model', 'tempdb') AND BF.[file_type] = 'D' AND BS.backup_start_date BETWEEN DATEADD(yy, -1, @startDate) AND @startDate GROUP BY BS.database_name ,DATEDIFF(mm, @startDate, BS.backup_start_date) ) AS BCKSTAT PIVOT (SUM(BCKSTAT.AvgSizeMB) FOR BCKSTAT.MonthsAgo IN ([0], [-1], [-2], [-3], [-4], [-5], [-6], [-7], [-8], [-9], [-10], [-11], [-12]) ) AS PVT ORDER BY PVT.DatabaseName;
Record Date21-02-2012 12:13:15