postgresql de ikinci instance kurulumu - ayni serverda
Definition Description
diyelimki tüm postgresql 1. Instance ile kuruldu ve siz 2. Node kurmak istiyorsunuz.
1. Create new data directories for this second instance and let postgres user own them. [root@serhattest 11]# cd /storage/data/pgsql/11/ [root@serhattest 11]# mkdir /storage/data/pgsql/11/stage/data [root@serhattest 11]# mkdir /storage/backup/stagewal [root@serhattest 11]# chown -R postgres:postgres /storage/data/pgsql/11/stage/data
2. Create new init script for this instance and edit it. Copy the init script from first instance and rename it to postgresql-11-stage.service and edit it for making changes that reflect the new data directory that we created in the above step.
start ettigi service burada /usr/lib/systemd/system/postgresql-11.service
şimdi bunu kopyalayalım cp postgresql-11.service postgresql-11-stage.service
sonra icerisini nano ile edit edelim nano postgresql-11-stage.service