Görüntülenen Kayıt(lar)

Detay Düzenle Kopyala Sil  Definition ID  Title Category Definition RecordBy  Record Date 
742SQLNOTESUPDATE FROMcunay12-05-2016 23:57:27
741SQLNOTESCDC Gurmen de Kullanilan STATIC SP REPLICATORcunay11-05-2016 13:30:45
740SQLNOTESServer uzerindeki sessionlar ve db uzerindeki processes islemlercunay11-05-2016 13:20:46
739SQLNOTESCDC Gurmen de Kullanilan STATIC SP, Olmayan kayitlarcunay10-05-2016 22:34:02
738WINDOWSNOTESPowershell ile domain de olmadan analysis servera baglanmacunay10-05-2016 16:27:23
737SQLNOTESHer ayin son gunu - last date of each monthcunay03-05-2016 17:21:50
736SQLNOTESsystem_health SQL Management Extended events system_healthcunay29-04-2016 14:42:56
734SQLNOTESINDEX FILE GROUPScunay26-04-2016 14:00:46
733SQLNOTESFORCE INDEXcunay22-04-2016 11:56:00
732SQLNOTESUpdate statistics older than 3 daycunay08-04-2016 14:54:38
731POSTGRESQLBASH SCRIPTPostgresql Transactional Log Shell Scriptcunay08-04-2016 10:15:25
730SQLNOTESSQL tablo adini verip index bilgilerini gosteren sorgucunay01-04-2016 20:49:16
729SQLNOTESAll tables rowcount - Veritabanini yormadan rowcount cekme-metadatacunay28-03-2016 19:20:58
728SQLNOTESCDC - Add all tables to cdccunay24-03-2016 11:55:57
727SQLNOTESUser Defined Data Type and Rule - ex phonecunay24-03-2016 10:54:11
726SQLNOTESForeign Key Drop and createcunay22-03-2016 09:41:17
725SQLNOTESBir veritabanindaki tüm nonclustered indexlerin create scripti almak - script existent indexcunay21-03-2016 17:27:02
724SQLSCRIPTStored Procedure - belli user lara execute yetkisi vermekcunay15-03-2016 14:42:34
723SQLNOTESIndex Maintanence Procedurecunay11-03-2016 08:34:30